// Brand Identity
// Creative Design
// Experiential Design
Exhibition design for Tennent's, The Tennent's Story - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow
Tennent’s is a Scottish institution and beer which is a world class brand. Beer has been brewed on this site since the 15th Century. It’s an integral part of the history and making of Glasgow.

Working at The Creative Cell and with the help of ZM Architecture, the experiential environment provided an expanded exhibition and curated space. The objective is to safeguard the heritage, communicate the social history, demonstrate innovation and, enhance the existing visitor experience. The focus was, experience had to connect with; Visitors, Educational bodies, The community, Super fans, Tennent’s heroes and Funding bodies. We’re part of a country and a city famous for telling stories. Stories that are rich in content and personal. These stories are woven into many aspects of social life and part of the heritage, the brewing, the innovation and the marketing.

Identity design for Tennent's, The Tennent's Story - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow
Exhibition design for Tennent's, The Tennent's Story - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow

// creative Thoughts

Our job as communicators is to tell stories that will engage and inform people through sight, sound, digital and experiential. We wanted to created something that was really ‘interesting’. Interesting gets noticed then gets talked about. It creates word-of-mouth. A form of ‘broadcasting’ and a compelling story that budgets can’t buy. So, everything we expressed had to have that cheeky, unexpected, smart, thought provoking yet, informative and credible tone.

Exhibition design for Tennent's, The Tennent's Story - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow
Exhibition design for Tennent's, The Tennent's Story - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow
Exhibition design for Tennent's, The Tennent's Story - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow
Exhibition design for Tennent's, The Tennent's Story - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow
Exhibition design for Tennent's, The Tennent's Story - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow
Exhibition design for Tennent's, The Tennent's Story - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow
Photography ©Patrick Jameson Ag Architectural Photography.
Images property of ZM Architecture.
Brewing Process ©Globel Bros.

SOUL creative agency
// SAC Consulting


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