// Brand Identity
// Graphic Design
// Photography
// Website Design And Creation
// Packaging Design
// Copywriting
Rebel Rebel are an award winning barber shop and salon in the heart of Glasgow’s West End. They offer expert services from the everyday to the truly creative. They are trailblazers, leading the way in modern barbering.

Communicating their ethos, passion, expertise and demonstrating what it is that makes a Rebel Barber needed strategy and a requirement to future proof the design communication. Our client wanted to be able to use the creative process to broadcast, story tell, to run video content showing the flexibility of their skill and to keep step with trends and their creative personality.

Brand identity design and marketing for barber shop - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow

// graphic design system

The building blocks and standards that Soul created allowed for flexibility helping keep the look and feel of products and experiences consistent. The blueprint offered a unified language and structured framework that guided our client through the opportunities of customer engagements. Whilst at a time when all other barber shops followed a heritage visual language, Rebel Rebel had a clientele that were always chasing the new and trailblazing ideas of the fashion industry and looked to the team at Rebel Rebel for a complimentary style that suited their personality for being an individual.

“I struggled for a years trying to find a creative agency who fully understood my vision and ideas until I started working with Soul. They’ve really helped me create and refine my brand. Always full of creative solutions. I trust them.”
Alan Findlay - Founder of Rebel Rebel
Packaging design for barber shop - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow

// Seamless Experience

Rebel Rebel wanted to differentiate themselves from any other barbering service. They wanted to expand their offering to merchandise, products and events. The implementation of the brand look and feel leaned heavily towards the company mantra and vision. Love. Respect. Life. This now became a tool to broaden the Rebel attitude. Packaging, T-Shirt design, Journals, Hair Products. Customers would feel part of a community.

Packaging design for barber shop - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow
Brand identity design and marketing for barber shop - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow
Brand identity design and marketing for barber shop - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow
Brand identity design and marketing for barber shop - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow
Brand identity design and merchandise for barber shop - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow

// A digital experience

With a linked-up experience our focus for the digital design and visual language was perfectly optimised for desktop and mobile experiences. Ensuring that the brand was expressed showing a reflection and tonality of all at Rebel Rebel. As with any digital experience, it was to be on par with that of any member of the Rebel staff.

Website design and marketing for barber shop - Soul Creative Agency, Glasgow

SOUL Creative Agency


Are you ready to take your marketing to the next level, if so, let’s talk!
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